
Baclayon Church: A Timeless Structure In Bohol

Baclayon Church, also known as the Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, is a historical and architectural marvel in Bohol, Philippines. As one of the oldest Christian settlements in the Philippines, Baclayon Church offers a glimpse into the country’s rich colonial past and has become a popular destination for history buffs, architecture enthusiasts, and tourists alike.

a church with an obvious influence of the spanish architecture under the blue sky with some people at the front entrance

Key Details

Baclayon Church is located in the town of Baclayon, about 6 kilometers east of Tagbilaran City, Bohol.

Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Baclayon Church is during the dry season, from November to May. The weather is generally pleasant, and it coincides with various local festivals.

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Opening Hours:
The church is typically open to visitors from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily. However, these hours might vary on special occasions or during religious events. You might want to contact them or ask some of the hotel staffs if the Church is open before you visit. Last time we went there was on a Wednesday afternoon, and for some reason it was closed.

Entry Fee:
A minimal fee is usually charged for entrance, which helps with the church’s maintenance and preservation. The fee generally ranges from ₱20 to ₱50.


Founded in 1596, Baclayon Church stands as one of the oldest churches in the Philippines. The church was initially established by Spanish Jesuit missionaries and later rebuilt using coral stones. Despite damage from the 2013 earthquake, the church has been restored, preserving its historical and cultural significance.

What to See and Do

  • Admire the Architecture: The church is known for its impressive coral stone facade and massive bell tower.
  • Visit the Museum: The church’s museum houses religious artifacts, old photographs, and antique church paraphernalia.
  • Attend Mass: Experience the spiritual ambiance during one of the daily masses.
  • Stroll Around: Explore the scenic surroundings, including the centuries-old acacia trees nearby.

Tips for Visitors

  • Dress Modestly: As a place of worship, it’s respectful to dress modestly when visiting Baclayon Church.
  • Bring a Hat: The Bohol sun can be intense, so bring a hat or umbrella for shade. And don’t forget to wear sunscreen.
  • Be Mindful of Services: If you’re visiting during a mass, be mindful of the service and avoid disrupting the worshippers.


  • Restrooms: The church has basic restroom facilities for visitors.
  • Parking: Ample parking space is available for visitors.
  • Dining: Several local restaurants and eateries are nearby, offering Filipino cuisine and refreshments.
    1. Le Panorama Restaurant: This restaurant offers a scenic view and serves a variety of local and international dishes.
    2. Paseo del Mar: A seaside restaurant offering fresh seafood and local Filipino cuisine.
    3. The Buzz Cafe: Located at the Bohol Bee Farm, this cafe offers organic dishes and delightful desserts.

How to Get There

By Public Transport:
You can take a tricycle from Tagbilaran City to Baclayon. The ride is short and scenic. If you’re coming from Panglao, you can also ride a tricycle just be mindful of the fare, it varies a lot.

By Car:
If you’re driving, Baclayon Church is accessible via the Tagbilaran East Road. The journey from Tagbilaran City takes about 15 minutes. If you’re in Panglao in a group, better to rent a car or a van. Either hire a driver or drive on your own using Google Map. The direction is pretty straightforward and Google Map is quite accurate.

By Tour Package:
Several tour operators in Bohol offer day tours that include Baclayon Church as a stop. This was included in our Country Side Tour. If you hire a private car/van I’m pretty sure you can visit Baclayon Church as a stop over any time.

Nearby Attractions

  • Blood Compact Shrine: A historical monument just a short drive away. Click here to view the page.
  • Tarsier Conservation Area: A unique tariser and wildlife sanctuary nearby.
  • Loboc River Cruise: Enjoy a scenic boat ride and buffet lunch along the Loboc River.


  1. Bohol Bee Farm Resort
    Located in Panglao, Bohol Bee Farm Resort offers a unique and eco-friendly experience. The resort features cozy rooms, a restaurant with organic food, and stunning ocean views. It’s about a 30-minute drive from Baclayon Church.
  2. Amarela Resort
    This boutique resort in Dauis, Bohol, offers a tranquil retreat with its lush gardens and private beach. The resort features charming rooms, an art gallery, and a restaurant serving local and international cuisine. It’s a short drive away from Baclayon Church.
  3. The Peacock Garden
    A luxury boutique hotel in Baclayon, The Peacock Garden offers elegant rooms, a fine dining restaurant, and a stunning infinity pool overlooking the sea. This hotel is conveniently located close to Baclayon Church.

Personal Experience

The place is very calming, as to be expected in a Church. But this one is something different, it feels like something that stood the test of time and witnesses a lot of things in its lifetime. I like going here for the Nostalgia, it feels like the Holy Week in my childhood. When I get the chance to go inside, I do and I can’t help but say I little prayer of gratitude. Last time we went though it was closed for some reason. Visit our Blog page for more information on Bohol.

baclayon church courtyard on the left with a old lady walking around and the church's front view looking a church from the spanish era.


1. Is photography allowed inside Baclayon Church?
Yes, but it’s advised to be respectful and avoid using flash during services.

2. Is Baclayon Church accessible to people with disabilities?
The church has basic accessibility features, but some areas might be challenging due to the historical structure.

3. Are guided tours available?
Yes, guided tours are available, and they often include a visit to the church’s museum.

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