
Last Day in Panglao Bohol: Goodbyes and Delicious Discoveries

My eyes popped open early today, buzzing with the excitement and a bit of sadness that comes with a “last day.” I was set on grabbing breakfast at Kissa, a spot that had become my morning ritual. But guess what? It was closed. Seems like they don’t roll up the shutters until 10 am. So much for my early bird special.

Wandering with a growling stomach, I stumbled upon Comoda, a place I’d walked past almost daily. It always seemed to whisper, “Come in for breakfast and comfort food,” but I hadn’t given it a chance until now. And oh boy, was it the moment.

Breakfast at Comoda

comoda store front on the left, tables and chairs on the right giving off a tropical vibe

  • The Vibe: Imagine stepping into a scene where the tropics meet a sprinkle of rain,  yes, that’s Comoda. The drizzle outside only added to its charm, making the whole setting feel like a scene from a feel-good movie.
  • The Feast: I went all in with “The Hungry Caveman.” For Php 300 ($8), I got a plate loaded with toasted sourdough, a beef sausage, baked beans, buttered green peas, a sunny side up egg, sliced tomatoes, and mango. A fusion of flavors that felt like a hug to my tastebuds. Was it Asian-European? Maybe. Did I love it? Absolutely.
  • Quirky Touch: The sausage resting on a piece of newspaper gave me a chuckle. Didn’t see that coming, but hey, it’s all part of the adventure.

sausage, sourgh dough bread, breans, green peas, tomatoes, egg, and fresh ripe mango on a plate

Bohol Bee Farm

With my stomach content and my curiosity peaking, I hopped on a tricycle to the Bohol Bee Farm. This wasn’t just any ride, it was a Php 250 ($5) journey into the heart of Bohol’s famous organic farm.

bohol bee farm arc on the left and ice cream being made in a blender with honey on the right

  • The Tour: From handicrafts that made me wish I had more luggage space, to a seaside restaurant that teased my already full stomach, and finally, the ice cream section where honey is the star. If I hadn’t just eaten, I’d probably have tried every flavor.

Killing Time with More Food

Yes, I found myself back at Alona Square with time to spare and ended up at Kissa (finally open). Couldn’t resist their Yakisoba and, of course, the Gyoza. Again. The orange juice? That was just to convince myself I had something healthy.

yakisoba and orange juice on the left, gyoza japanese pork dumpling on the right

The Journey Back to Manila

The bus ride to the airport was an eye-opener. Why had I not taken the bus before? Cheaper, comfier, and quicker, only about 5 minutes, believe it or not.

green thumb store front on the left, artisan chocolate bar on the right

At the departure area, The Green Thumb Farm caught my eye. Their tree-to-bar chocolate bar was a piece of Bohol I couldn’t leave without. And then, the cherry on top, finding myself seated at A1 on the plane. Tons of legroom and a row to myself. Talk about ending on a high note!

If you want more travel stories and information about Bohol, please visit our Blog page.

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